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On the Lake Huron side, especially at Sauble, you will find long, wide expanses of sand sloping gently into the lake, and on a warm day, a lively, excited and exciting crowd of people. The water is clean, shallow and warm, the sand golden and sugary, the people welcoming, the services and amenities excellent, and Sauble Beach is justly celebrated as one of the great summer beaches of the world.

It even offers an artistic dimension: the sugary sand invites the creation of castles and sculptures of all kinds, the only limit is your imagination. By late afternoon, a walk down the beach is an art gallery experience.

If you are looking for a quiet, lonely beach where you can get away from all the crowds and bustle for a peaceful swim and an afternoon watching the sun shine on the water, you can hardly do better than ... but if we publish where it is, it won’t be quiet and lonely any more, will it? Let us just say that you can find it quite easily by poking along the shoreline, or hiking into a likely looking spot, or even sometimes by driving along the shoreline roads and keeping your eyes open.


If the beach of your dreams has sand and warm water, then the Lake Huron side is for you. If you like your water cold and the shoreline more rugged, with boulders, shale and ancient limestone pavements, head for Georgian Bay. But please be a bit careful and swim safely: the rocks can be slippery, the bottom often shelves off sharply, the water can be deep and cold, and the wind can play dangerous tricks when it comes from the east. Don’t swim alone and watch the kids closely. 

The names of the beaches are as evocative as the experiences themselves:

Singing Sands, Black Creek Sandy, Dorcas, Dyers, Red, Big, Hope or Pike Bay (we have a lot of Bays), Oliphant, Sauble, the Grotto, Indian Head Cove, Lion’s Head, Cabot Head, Bluewater, Neyaashiinigaamiing.

Take your pick! 

Beach Locations
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